This test is known as the The Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS) – a questionnaire developed by Dr. Michael R. Liebowitz, a psychiatrist and researcher.
How it works
This measure assesses the way that social phobia plays a role in your life across a variety of situations.
Read each situation carefully and answer two questions about that situation.
The first question asks how anxious or fearful you feel in the situation.
The second question asks how often you avoid the situation.
If you come across a situation that you ordinarily do not experience, we ask that you imagine “what if you were faced with that situation,” and then rate the degree to which you would fear this hypothetical situation and how often you would tend to avoid it. Please base your ratings on the way that the situations have affected you in the last week.
Liebowitz, M.R. In Ban, T.A., Pichot, P., Pöldinger, W. (eds): Social Phobia. Modern Problems in Pharmacopsychiatry 1987;22:141-173
Permission for use granted by S. Karger AG, Basel which holds rights for content.
Your anxiety level is:
Mild Social Anxiety 55-65
Moderate social anxiety 66-80
Marked social anxiety 81-95
Severe social anxiety Greater than 95
Very severe social anxiety
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